30 Eylül 2012 Pazar


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I've been blogging for a long time - first with LiveJournal, and then on to other venues. My main blog, Doc Blog, is all about psychology and therapy. I also write about transit as a contributor to the most excellent TriMet Diaries site.

A while ago, I started live-tweeting my lengthy commute on public transit, as @doctor_jeff. Through a few quirks of fate, I've become a bit of a transit pundit. Strange as it may sound, I have grown to love that role, and would like to use my voice to do some good.

In my travels on TriMet, I see lots of folks who aren't as lucky as me. I've got a subsidized annual pass, a full time job, and a car if I need to get somewhere in a hurry. Lots of the people I share a ride with have none of those things. While a transit fare is not that big a deal to me, for some people it's the difference between getting to the job site (or high school!) or just having to stay home.

It's obviously a huge problem, and I'm not going to pretend that I'll be able to make much of a dent. I'd like to do SOMETHING, though. So, here's the deal. I'd like to collect books of transit tickets and distribute them. The distribution part should be easy - I have connections with SUN schools and should have no problem getting the tickets into the hands of people who need them.

Collecting is a different story. I'd like to do this so there's no cash involved - I want to simply collect books of ten transit tickets. My plan at this point is to just have people buy them and send them to me in the mail. You can get them at most grocery stores, or you can order online at Trimet.org and have them mailed.

I'll work out the details as I go. What I DON'T want this to become is COMPLICATED. I'm starting really small scale this year, and if we get some interest I'll increase the effort next year. I just wanted to get a post up for you folks to see, and open it up to comments and suggestions. I guess we'll start collecting bus tickets around Thanksgiving time.

Let me know what you think!

VOA's Family Relief Nursery is our next recipient

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The next donation for the Holiday Fare project is 15 books of tickets to VOA's Family Relief Nursery.

Here's how Katie from FRN describes the need:
The Family Relief Nursery is an intervention/prevention program for families with children six weeks to five years old. We work to strengthen fragile families at serious risk of abusing or neglecting their children or of permanently losing custody of their children. The Nursery offers a holistic, positive intervention with both children and parents. All services are provided at no charge to families. The FRN now serves up to 90 families per year.

One of the barriers our families face is transportation. We do have a small school bus that picks kids up and drops them off each day, but the bus can only accommodate so many children. Many times a family will remain on our waitlist until a bus and a classroom spot are both open. When possible, we do provide bus tickets to our families so they can utilize public transportation to bring their children to and from FRN. As well, bus tickets are especially helpful when we have Family Nights or Open Houses at FRN. For parents whose kids are picked up by the FRN bus (and do not have a car themselves) they often never get to see where their kids go each day. The Family Nights and Open Houses are a time when the parents can come by and see the site and meet their children’s teachers (we do home visiting as well with most of our families, so they are intimately involved with our interventionists otherwise). Bus tickets are also sometimes used to allow our families to go out to VOA’s resale store, so they can pick up clothing or other items for their children (we provide them with vouchers for the resale store).

In the past, we have been able to provide bus tickets to our families, as needed. Unfortunately this year, we with downturn in the economy, one of our funders had us cut our budget by 4.5% and another funder cut our budget by 12%. In order to maintain our level of services, and because the State requires us to have so much direct service personnel per child, one of the things we had to cut this year was direct client assistance funds, which includes items like bus tickets.

Sorry for the long quote, but I couldn't find anything to leave out. Again, the need is so great. I wish we could give more to this program and all the others that we've helped so far. The only way we can do that is if more of you donate. Here's how!

Please spread the word and post this link everywhere, including those things where you make a sign out of a piece of printer paper and then let people tear little pieces off the bottom. :) Facebook, Twitter, and blanketing everyone in the world with emails works, too! Thanks!

E-Commerce India - There's an online portal for every kind of Job

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a quote on working hours by robert frostFrom agriculture dominant country, India has moved to servicesdomain in a couple of decades. One of the barometers of economic development isthe employment growth across all sectors. With 6-9% growth in GDP in the lasttwo decades, people were fortunate to find all sorts of jobs across country.With colleges in different regions, talent in pockets for certain areas, skillsin abundance in a few states and opportunities galore far and wide, how wouldpeople find suitable jobs even if they are aplenty?
Applying technology, job portals have come to the rescue. Due togrowth of Information Technology (IT) sector in the new millennium, people wereaware mainly of these IT job portals, but there exist a portal for everypossible type of job. Here are some of those portals which made finding jobseasy on the Internet.
http://naukri.comhttp://shine.comhttp://monster.comhttp://timesjobs.comhttp://clickjobs.com Provides an opportunity to post resume for jobs across different industries / sectors and designations. Most of them started with the IT job opportunities but expanded to all other domains. Each of them must be having millions of resumes in the repository. These portals also offer simple services like resume development, provide information about different professions and salary level validation.
http://babajob.com If you are looking for a maid, driver , cook or cashier, this is the specialized portal to visit.  There is a provision of police verification and health insurance check of job seekers, for the benefit of employers, through their service. Their mission seems to create a positive impact to the 'bottom of the pyramid'.
http://freshersworld.com Candidates fresh out of a college, especially from tier-2 and lower always find it difficult to seek a job.  Recruitment in the campus is not meant for all colleges and even that does not go smooth sometimes. This portal provides an exclusive service to show job opportunities for such freshers, who are ready to conquer the world.
http://govtjobsdaily.com Securing a government job  was the norm with previous generation in India, after gaining a good academic record. If one is interested in such government jobs, this portal seems to provide good help.
http://apnacircle.com If one is more interested to improve their professional network over a period of time and potentially seek a job from employers, this India-based website would be helpful.

I believe there would be lot many specialized job sites in India.The job seekers get to register on these sites for free; the job portals drawtheir revenues from the employers. It's a win-win situation for all theinvolved parties.
E-Commerce in India has blossomed with onlinetravel business to start with. After that, online classifieds, especially matrimonyand job portals, flourished pretty much. I wonder if all those folks who got ajob through any of these job portals take a moment to admire the technologybehind the scenes for their success and happiness !

E-Commerce - Product Strategy - 1

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The first and foremost aspect in e-commerce is to decide on theproducts to be offered online. If one is already into a specific domain (forexample retail apparel) and wants to extend into online space, then the nextmove becomes easier. If one is interested to get into e-commerce domaindirectly in the first place and has to decide on the products to be sold,exhaustive research needs to be done.
There are many goods and services that can be offered online.Typically, they can be classified into following broad categories:
  1. Physical products (like books, electronics, apparel, lifestyle and deals)
  1. Services online (like online marketplace, travel bookings, tax filing, video-on-demand and group-buying)
  1. Digital Downloads (like ring-tones, mp3 music, wall-papers and images for websites)
  1. Classifieds (like matrimony, jobs and property)

Each category of the products has its own unique characteristicsthat needs to be considered while making them available online.
Some of the physical productsare big in size and quite expensive. The packaging and delivery needs must beconsidered carefully for such products especially from cost perspective.
One might think that providing servicesonline should not be that challenging. While it is true that fulfillmentand delivery are not quite difficult, providing the functionality itself is notthat easy. Keeping the customer hooked on to the site to avail more services orrepeat service is the key in this case. Earning the trust of the customer insome of the cases is also equally challenging.
The typical challenge with digitaldownloads category is the digital rights management. The digital contenthas to be procured from authentic source while paying due attention tocopyrights. The complexity involved in delivery of the digital goods throughvarious channels (like Web and SMS) cannot be undermined.
Classifieds is an area, whichhas been traditionally available in print medium. When it was moved online, itwas the exact replica of mixed classifieds (sulekha, freeads etc) available onthe Web too. Later, the specialized areas - like only job sites or only matrimonysites - have picked-up and delivered good results in India. There needs to be agood enough incentive for two or more parties to come together on a classifiedssite to avail the service.
Identification of a domain is the first crucial step in starting ane-commerce venture.

E-Commerce - Product Strategy - 2

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In India, travel bookings was the first segment that has triggeredthe e-commerce interest. They started with reservations in trains and slowlyexpanded into other areas like flight and bus ticket bookings. Being one of thebiggest railway networks in the world, "the need for easy availability oftickets" was a growth driver for this e-commerce site. If there is such apull in the market, the e-commerce venture around that domain would not needextensive marketing budgets.
Sometimes the need for a category of items would not be very obviousin the market. In such cases a marketing survey needs to be conducted tounderstand the demand for that category in the market.
Once the domain is identified, the next step would be to identifythe categories (electronics, books, apparel etc.) and corresponding items(cameras, home appliances, regional language books, T-shirts etc.).
It might not be a good idea to start with a bang and make availablelot of items. It would be prudent to start with the items which have 'marketpull' than 'market push'. The best example would be flipkart, which startedwith only books and expanded into many other categories slowly.
The other factors which can help decide on the categories and items:
  1. Where can the items be procured from? Who are the major suppliers and what kind of 'credit-support' can they provide?
  2. What is the roadmap for categories and items? Do we diversify (books, electronics, home appliances, apparel etc.) or operate in a niche area (socks, shoes etc.)?
  3. Can the items be procured 'just-in-time', which can help with 'drop-shipping'?
  4. What is the demand level for each item? This should help identify 'which items' and 'what quantity' needs to be stocked in warehouses.
  5. What is the durability of the items? Are we talking about perishable food items or long lasting books?
  1. What is the validity or expiry date of the items? We could be talking about outdated fashion items or pharmacy drugs here.
  1. In which all regions and locations is there a demand for the items? Some items might be of more interest for people in rural areas. In this case, the order fulfillment needs to be though-through for last-mile dispatch of the items.
  2. What is the price at which the items would be sold? There are certain items which can provide good returns on volume sales, while there are also luxury items which can be sold at premium. For cost-sensitive markets like India, determining items with correct pricing becomes even more important.
  3. What does it take to deliver the items to the customers? Are the items big in size and needs special vehicles to carry the goods to the end-customer?
  4. Does it need a 'call center' facility? If so, what should be the size of such facility in terms of number of people and where should it be located?

As can be noticed, the entire life-cycle of the products from'procurement' through 'order' and 'cash' has to be thought-through beforedeciding on the product categories and items.
Needless to say, e-commerce play involves as much of defining goodbusiness strategy as the supporting technology. Though the end customerinteracts through Internet medium and sees the e-commerce website as the faceof the company, the back-end operations are quite important too.
E-Commerce is a long term play and needs deep-pockets in most of thecases.

29 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Make your trip more valuable by travelling in luxurious deluxe bus

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Would you like to go trip between Washington DC and NY to enjoy the adventures and beauties of these places, better choose the best comfort and convenient vehicle to travel. Select the best BUS DC TO NY service is the only better choice to enjoy your trip. Now a day’s all deluxe bus provides much facilities such as more spacious, clean restrooms, power outlets to charge your laptops and mobile. They also can provide food and beverages for their passengers. Special front seat is available for handicapped or older passenger in all deluxe bus service.   The Wi-Fi connection is also offered by these buses so that business people can do their work without wasting their time. Search for the best bus services through online and book the tickets to your desire destinations. Online booking ticket will also save your time and money. For every travelling the passenger can get a reward point and if it reaches 8 point, the passenger can get free seats for his/her next journey.

Prefer to Travel in Deluxe Bus to get pleasure from your voyage

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Would you like to have a safety and convenient travel between Washington DC and NY? The best mode of transportation to enjoy your trip is deluxe bus service. People who are ready to have a journey may or may not have the awareness to choose the best bus service. Browse through the internet and select the best BUS DC TO NY service and book your ticket in online itself. This online ticket reservation will reduce your time and money. 
In general, business people need to travel more often for their business meetings and they can also prefer to travel in bus service because of its affordable price, various facilities. Deluxe Bus provides not only clean restrooms and comfortable seats they also provide free internet service, power outlets fro their passenger to make their traveling more enjoyable. They also offering reward points for its frequent traveler and provide free seats if they get 8 points.

Make your trip in consistent bus service

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A people sometimes feel to travel long distance to enjoy the adventures in journey and to forget the sadness in their life. If this is the case the better transportation service is deluxe bus service. A bus service recommends much special compensation, permitting you to be capable to see the view as you make your journey. You can sit down and sense, read, write, listen to music, and an extensive diversity of other barely credible effects that will assist you to calm down and depart the whole thing at the rear. 
Bus Service is the greatest achievable habits to journey, and lets you to have calm moment by physically to imagine and reflect, in the middle of a lot of further incredible actions. Don't be uncertain a next longer to compose your journey, if this is what you actually wish for. There is no time like the current, so compose your conclusion today. Speak to a bus company now, and exploit their service at present to get to where you want to go. There are many incredible bus services like BUS DC TO NY that will give you the best possible services.

Which transport service is essential for New York Trip?

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If you want to see various beautiful sights and adventures of New York, the best thing you want to do first is select convenient deluxe bus services. Suppose, you need to travel from Washington to New York, search for bus services like BUS DC TO NY using online and also you can book your tickets.  Then without any bewilderment you can happily get ready for your trip to New York.  
This is a city that never be asleep and is constantly packed with action. Don’t forget to visit the most sightseeing places like Empire State Building, Ellis Island, Museums and the Statue of Liberty. There is a superior mix of arts, design, and artistic gastronomy that every traveler will come across somewhat of attention in. To enjoy all these places in New York better choose the best deluxe bus service.

Awesome Cool Bus from NY to DC and vice versa

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Traveling by the road is one among the safest and cheapest way when you want to travel inland. On this note, travelling by buses has become highly popular for many passengers who are frequent travelers. Ever since globalization became a reality our world has become a highly busy world. Many people travel on a regular basis as transportation has become a part of our lives. Surveys show that there is also an increase in the need for transportation factor. Travelling is like a bittersweet symphony where it could be both pleasure and pain for several people. Some adventures seekers find travelling to be highly adventurous and entertaining while some travelers find long distance journeys to be highly rigid and painful. 
When it comes to buses, you have both private companies as well as public companies providing bus services to various parts or destinations around several countries. Most of these companies have super deluxe buses which are highly luxurious. Technology has aided mankind a lot and we as humans severally depend upon the same. On this note, ever since super deluxe buses came in to the picture, buses with highly technological features, they have created a revolution among many communities and frequent travelers. If you ever wish to travel between NY to DC and vice versa, you must make use of these super deluxe buses.  These deluxe buses like BUS DC TO NY make the travelling process simpler and comfortable and hence highly regarded and preferred. Also most people find it difficult to purchase these tickets at the last minute as they personally have to visit the company for purchasing these tickets or find a travel agent and availability always becomes an issue earlier. Nowadays, ever since internet came into the picture, the entire scenario has drastically changed. Most of these companies have websites through which you can purchase these tickets and pay with the help of your debit/credit cards. And you can book in advance to ensure a ticket for your journey. It is advisable that you always book your tickets at the earliest to ensure availability of tickets for facilitating your journey irrespective of whether you are travelling by bus, train or flights.
These deluxe buses also have super dooper facilities. Features or facilities provided in these buses include highly comfortable seats with sufficient spacing between them and sufficient leg room space (these seats can recline up to 180 degrees giving you a very comfortable journey), highly clean and well maintained rest rooms inside the bus itself and no more do you need to wait patiently to get to a filling station to make use of rest room facilities, power outlets for charging your mobiles, laptops and any other technological gadgets, free Wi-Fi for wonderful surfing experience while travelling which is very important for many businessmen to proceed with their business work while travelling, and most of these buses are highly punctual. They pick up from the pickup spot on the exact mentioned time and the bus will also reach its destination as per the scheduled time. 
There are many websites sharing more details as well as selling deluxe bus tickets between Washington DC and New York and vice versa on a regular basis. These services also include special features such as discount coupons and student discounts that are very popular among several students which makes these buses all the more exquisite. Use these details to plan your trip appropriately.

28 Eylül 2012 Cuma

2012 CAR review of Fiat Panda 0.9 TwinAir

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This is Fiat’s third-generation Panda, which goes on UK sale in February 2012. Fiat has buffed up internal quality and features over the outgoing cars, and plumbed in the TwinAir two-cylinder turbo engine, which was the edition we drove. This being a city car and us being CAR magazine, we perversely took the Panda as far from its natural habitat as possible, flogging it down an autos trade at 100mph, before flinging it through hairpins en route to a Dolomite remedy.
Blasting along Italy’s A22 at a ridiculous 90-100mph, in a game of v-max chicken comfortably won by the man from the Daily Telegraph, proved a revelation. The Panda’s primary ride is excellent: thanks to its long-travel suspension, the body flows up and down genteelly over crests, and tarmac noise and deflections are suppressed adequately. I was struck by the air of civility: the cabin is quiet enough to have a conversation, even at such speed. Yes, wind noise rises noticeably above 75mph due to the Panda’s trademark bluff front end and massive side mirrors, and there's always the bustle of the TwinAir burbling away at 4000revs at 95mph, but the cabin feels a high-quality, sophisticated environment – not a phrase that automatically springs to mind with a Fiat.

Hire a bus – great option to travel

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Motion is one of the most basic features of our social being. Everyday innumerable people travel from one place to another. Most of them travel through the public transport. Everywhere the common vehicle used as the public transport is bus. Bus, the big motor vehicle, is the source of relief for people all over the globe. These buses have their defined routes according to the requirements and limitation of each city. They have some fixed stops where they stop for people to depart and arrive.
There are a number of tour and travel websites from where you can book the tickets. With the convenience that travelers get online, bus booking has become much easier than before.
It is also a faster process so you can now save a lot of time searching for good travel portals and buying tickets for bus travel. Hiring a bus allows you and your family to journey comfortably together. The best buses offer facilities for both children and the elderly, so you can know that the journey will be a fantastic one! If you are traveling in a large group, hiring a car is definitely not worth it. So, without a second thought, you should hire a bus for utmost convenience and comfort.
Have a look at this Washington deluxe bus service which will provide you the most dependable bus service to and from Washington, DC and New York NY http://www.washny.com/

How to organize a family trip in deluxe bus?

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Most people like to have their trip with family at least once in a year.  Certainly they would like to go for native land or visiting remote lands. Before you decide the destination it’s necessary to be ready for the journey, or else the long travel might make to be a vast aggravation. Here are some ideas that tell you how to be ready for the journey.
At first, it is required to create a budget for your family trip.
After planning your budget, its time to decide your destination based on your budget.
Then plan for on which mode of transport you going to transport, my opinion is to opt for deluxe bus service which gives comfortable and convenient family journey.
Invest time to contrast price ranges, services, and food stuff provided by different inns.
If the place is in fact chosen and the seats are likely to be purchased in deluxe bus, it is time to organize your packing up.
If you like to go for Washington to New York, have a look at this http://www.washny.com which will provide you deluxe bus service to and fro DC to NY.

Efficient way to make a office move

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There are more than a few things to consider when companies are looking to make their move from one place to other place. Obviously, the cost of relocation is the main concern. There is also the best solution to overcome this problem. The only best solution is to hire one of many relocation companies. These companies when it comes to relocation specialize in helping corporations to make their move.
Taking on the exact organization Moving Company will mean that much of your office move packing plan will be taken care of. Qualified organization movers use fully-trained employees and make use of a variety of suitable packing equipment so that your belongings will be packed efficiently and carefully.
Moving companies:StarCity Moving, Blue Whale Moving Company Inc

Bus Services and their free offers

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In this world we need to travel for leisure, sometimes for company or learning purposes. Ahead of the real wandering starts and plans for a downy travel are put into action, we have come across all worries. It’s very important to plan your trip before booking tickets and hotel rooms.
Traveling in bus gives you the best comfortable and convenient journey at affordable fares. Hence it is better to have your budget journey in bus. The internet offers numerous online bus services with extreme facilities at special discounts. Conjointly many bus services offers free trip for their frequent traveling passengers. To get this free trip join the reward programs which will be offered by your online bus services and for every reservation you make, you earn one points. After you earned 8 points then you are eligible for having free trip. So for affordable journey the only best choices prefers for online bus service.
One of the Washington DC Bus service which offers rewards program for their frequent traveler Loyalty Rewards Program

27 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

Article of the Week - 1904 Summer Olympics

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The 1904 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the III Olympiad, was an international multi-sport event which was celebrated in St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States from 29 August until 3 September, 1904, as part of an extended sports program lasting from 1 July to 23 November 1904, at what is now known as Francis Field on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis.

The city of Chicago, Illinois, had won the original bid to host the 1904 Summer Olympics, but the organizers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis would not accept another international event in the same time frame.

The exposition organization began to plan for its own sports activities, informing the Chicago OCOG that its own international sports events intended to eclipse the Olympic Games unless they were moved to St. Louis. Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic movement, gave in and awarded the games to St. Louis.

St. Louis organizers repeated the mistakes made at the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris. Competitions were reduced to a side-show of the World's Fair and were lost in the chaos of other, more popular cultural exhibits. David Francis, the President of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, declined to invite anybody else to open the Games and, on 1 July did so himself in a scaled-down short and humdrum "ceremony". The Games were so poorly run that, as a result, the Olympic movement almost came to an end.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "1904 Summer Olympics"

Random question... is it your birthday?!

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It was a more subdued quizzin' affair the G-ton Ale House on Tuesday night, as it was QM Ryan's final quiz before he jetted off to London the following day for the end of the Olympics!

But before his departure, he witnessed the return of the former trivia juggernaut of Random Answers who were back after a summer sabbatical, and also took top spot on the evening too...

They knocked off the recently dominant Fusterclux from the top of the podium!

Also members from It's my birthday so let's Disco Inferno biotch! were in fact celebrating a birthday (it was no bluff) and bought a couple of new Quizmaster tees to celebrate...

The QM almost felt obligated to give them the team name prize too, but alas it didn't happen!

Quizmaster Kevin H. will be filling Ryan's shoes for one week while he's away, but he'll be back on August 21st!

Until then Grafton, drink while you think...
Tuesday August 7th, 2012 scores:

  1. 46 Random Answers
  2. 45 The Fusterclux
  3. 40 It's my birthday so let's Disco Inferno biotch!
  4. 40 Fart.
  5. 34 Alternate event labels for Question 25...
  6. 33 Jew Crew

Article of the Week - June 1962 Alcatraz escape

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The June 1962 Alcatraz escape was an attempt by American criminals Clarence Anglin, John Anglin and Frank Morris to escape Alcatraz Island, one of the United States' most famous prisons. They burrowed out of their cells, climbed a ventilation shaft onto the roof and then climbed down and left the island on a makeshift raft. Despite an extensive search, the men were never heard from again and their fates remain unknown.

By September 1961, Morris, West, and the Anglin brothers were planning an elaborate escape attempt. By late May 1962, they had finished making a small hole in the wall using several spoons, stolen from the dining hall, which took a year. Then on the night of June 11, 1962, they made their escape attempt and history. However, West did not make it out of his cell and was left behind. According to the acting warden, they put dummy heads, made of a mixture of soap, toilet paper and real hair in their beds to fool prison officers making night-time inspections.

Morris and the Anglins crawled out of their cells into a disused service corridor. From there they climbed up a ventilation shaft and reached the top of the roof. The trio then climbed down the rooftop, pumped up their rubber raft, jumped in and paddled away into the night.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "June 1962 Alcatraz escape"

Article of the Week - Kathrine Switzer

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Kathrine Switzer (born January 5, 1947) is an American author, television commentator and marathon runner, best known as the first woman to run the Boston Marathon as a numbered entry. She entered and completed the race in 1967, five years before women were officially allowed to compete in it. Her finishing time of approximately 4 hours and 20 minutes was nearly an hour behind the first female finisher, Bobbi Gibb (who ran unregistered).

She registered under the gender-neutral "K. V. Switzer". It was not done in an attempt to mislead the officials; she had long used "K. V. Switzer" to sign the articles she wrote for her college paper. Race official Jock Semple attempted to remove her from the race, and is noted to have shouted, "Get the hell out of my race and give me those numbers." However, Switzer's boyfriend Tom Miller, who was running with her, shoved Semple aside and sent him flying. The photographs taken of the incident made world headlines.

As a result of her run, the AAU barred women from all competition with male runners, on pain of losing the right to compete.

Switzer, with other women runners, tried to convince the Boston Athletic Association to allow women to participate in the marathon. Finally, in 1972, women were welcome to run the Boston Marathon officially for the first time ever.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Kathrine Switzer"

No quiz next Tuesday 28th!

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It was the most bustling Tuesday trivia night yet at the Ale House in Grafton this Tuesday evening, as Quizmaster Ryan returned fresh from his trip to Berlin and the London Olympics, while some quizzers also returned following a summer sabbatical.

Among that group were the Concordia troublemakers, naming themselves I'd like to hold the Quizmaster's snake in my talons on the night, who the Quizmaster was pleased to see back...

They probably would've won the best team name prize, but they had second spot wrapped up firmly!

That prize - for best name - went to the trio from The Von Trapp Bastards who got quite the applause and chuckle from the onlooking crowd...

And in other news, the Hooters coozy was in the house, and looking quite firm itself...


Remember, again there's no quiz quiz next Tuesday August 28th due to a private function upstairs at the Ale House, but they quiz will return the following week with a new trivia league starting as well!

Until next time Grafton, drink while you think...

Tuesday August 21st, 2012 scores:

  1. 48 The Fusterclux
  2. 47 I'd like to hold the Quizmaster's snake in my talons
  3. 45 Random Answers: once you go black tees you never go back
  4. 44 Uruguay'T Quizmaster!
  5. 41 U R Gay if u think Rod Stewart is sexy
  6. 41 A country that I used to know
  7. 39 Mario Speedwagon & the Luigi Bee Gees
  8. 39 Is the private party next week a party for your privates
  9. 36 The Von Trapp Bastards
  10. 35 Knows Jobs
  11. 34 We play real football in America Ryan!
  12. 20 World Domination

26 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba

Article of the Week - Penal Colony

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A penal colony is a settlement used to exile prisoners and separate them from the general populace by placing them in a remote location, often an island or distant colonial territory. Although the term can be used to refer to a correctional facility located in a remote location it is more commonly used to refer to communities of prisoners overseen by wardens or governors having absolute authority.

The British used North America as a penal colony through a system of indentured servitude. Convicts would be transported by merchants and auctioned off to plantation owners upon arrival in the colonies. It is estimated that some 50,000 British convicts were sent to colonial America, representing perhaps one-quarter of all British emigrants during the 18th century. When that avenue closed in the 1780s after the American Revolution, Britain began using parts of what is now known in Australia as penal settlements.

Devil's Island (French: île du Diable) is the third largest island of the ÃŽles du Salut island group in the Atlantic Ocean. It is located approximately 14 km (9 mi) off the coast of French Guiana in South America just north of the town of Kourou. It has an area of 14 ha (34.6 acres). The island was a part of the notorious French penal colony of French Guiana for 101 years, from 1852 to 1953.[1] The island was used primarily to house political prisoners. 

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Devil's Island"

Article of the Week - Water Lillies

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Water Lilies is a series of approximately 250 oil paintings by French Impressionist Claude Monet (1840–1926). The paintings depict Monet's flower garden at Giverny and were the main focus of Monet's artistic production during the last thirty years of his life. Many of the works were painted while Monet suffered from cataracts.

The paintings are on display at museums all over the world, including the Musée Marmottan Monet in Paris, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the Art Institute of Chicago.

On 19 June 2007, one of Monet's water lily paintings sold for £18.5 million at a Sotheby's auction in London. On 24 June 2008 another of Monet's water lily paintings, Le bassin aux nymphéas, sold for almost £41 million at Christie's in London, almost double the estimate of £18 to £24 million.

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