9 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

Choose companies with immense experience and good reputation

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All companies have open and enclosed shipping. Open type carriers are quite common and predominantly found everywhere. It is the cheapest of all the services provided by most car shipping companies and hence it is often considered or predominantly used. The vehicles are closely fastened and then shipped. Often these carriers come in either single layer or two layer kinds. And depending upon the shipment the companies shift about 2 to 10 cars simultaneously when it comes to open type carriers.

Generally the expenses of the services are devised based on the delivery date. Some of these companies also provide storage facilities when you want your car to be delivered to your new locality on a specific date which could take some considerable time and depending upon your schedule requirement. Depending upon your flexibility and requirement you can choose among these services. And when you opt for an open type carrier with more cars, it implies more time for loading and unloading the cars which means they charge you lesser as the number of cars increases. However, the process of switching and unloading could impart damages to your car and hence it is advisable that you opt for a service that ensures maximum safety for your car irrespective of how expensive the service might cost you. Do not take Car Transport to be too lightly and gamble with your chances. There are many websites online sharing details about various auto transport companies. Choose the one with immense experience and good reputation to ensure highest standard of services.

Free auto transport quotes : auto transport quotes

Donation incentives from ArrivalTracker!

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Tim at Arrival Tracker has generously offered a free ArrivalTracker app to the next five people who donate a book of tickets to Holiday Fare! ArrivalTracker is an iPhone app for showing TriMet bus and train arrival predictions wrapped in a beautiful interface. The first five people who email me letting me know that there's a donation on the way will get an activation code as a thank you from HolidayFare and ArrivalTracker.

My email is drjeff@gmail.com, and here's how to donate!

Thanks Tim! And thanks to all of you for donating and for spreading the word.

The big update!

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First, some context. When I started Holiday Fare, I didn't even have a name for it. All I wanted to do was get a few Twitter friends to chip in and put a tiny little drop in the huge bucket of transit need that exists out there.

My initial, oh-so-ambitious goal was 20 books of tickets. That's almost 500 dollars worth of tickets, I reasoned, and wouldn't that be an amazing thing to do?

Word got out. Friends told friends, bloggers blogged, podcasters podcasted, and momentum picked up a bit. Then came the Joe Rose Effect - a column in the Oregonian! Joe has since joked that if he ever starts a band, he'll call it that - The Joe Rose Effect. Joe's column was shared on Facebook over 275 times (tip - there's a little Facebook share icon at the bottom of this post. My feelings won't be hurt if you use it!). A few of the donations in the mail have contained tickets and a clipping of that column.

So, the cool news - at this point Holiday Fare has collected over ONE HUNDRED books of tickets, and a pile of loose tickets, everything from one-zone tickets to more than 60 all-day, all-zone passes. This bounty adds up to over THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of fares collected.


That's so amazing! I really never thought I'd hit that 20-book goal. You people are awesome, and we're not done yet. Now it's time to really push, with the holidays so close.

I've committed 45 of those books of tickets, and I'm working on getting more out the door. The need is endless. Please give if you can, and spread the word however you know how.

Awesome job so far! Here's how to donate.

A letter from a contributor

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Sometimes, along with their contribution of transit tickets, people include letters. This one is lovely, and I wanted you all to read it, because it is about all of you who have contributed:
Thank you for all you've done to help those in need.

I gave up my car three years ago and haven't missed it a bit. I love public transportation and the extra time it allows me to catch up on good reading - not to mention people watching!

By using and supporting public transportation, I'm hoping to influence its future improvements and extensions. Again, thank you for helping those in need get mobilized and independent.

God bless you,

As I said, this is to YOU, contributors. You're doing a great thing here! Let's keep going, through the holiday season. Please send your friends and neighbors here if they'd like to help. Here's how to donate.

VOA's Family Relief Nursery is our next recipient

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The next donation for the Holiday Fare project is 15 books of tickets to VOA's Family Relief Nursery.

Here's how Katie from FRN describes the need:
The Family Relief Nursery is an intervention/prevention program for families with children six weeks to five years old. We work to strengthen fragile families at serious risk of abusing or neglecting their children or of permanently losing custody of their children. The Nursery offers a holistic, positive intervention with both children and parents. All services are provided at no charge to families. The FRN now serves up to 90 families per year.

One of the barriers our families face is transportation. We do have a small school bus that picks kids up and drops them off each day, but the bus can only accommodate so many children. Many times a family will remain on our waitlist until a bus and a classroom spot are both open. When possible, we do provide bus tickets to our families so they can utilize public transportation to bring their children to and from FRN. As well, bus tickets are especially helpful when we have Family Nights or Open Houses at FRN. For parents whose kids are picked up by the FRN bus (and do not have a car themselves) they often never get to see where their kids go each day. The Family Nights and Open Houses are a time when the parents can come by and see the site and meet their children’s teachers (we do home visiting as well with most of our families, so they are intimately involved with our interventionists otherwise). Bus tickets are also sometimes used to allow our families to go out to VOA’s resale store, so they can pick up clothing or other items for their children (we provide them with vouchers for the resale store).

In the past, we have been able to provide bus tickets to our families, as needed. Unfortunately this year, we with downturn in the economy, one of our funders had us cut our budget by 4.5% and another funder cut our budget by 12%. In order to maintain our level of services, and because the State requires us to have so much direct service personnel per child, one of the things we had to cut this year was direct client assistance funds, which includes items like bus tickets.

Sorry for the long quote, but I couldn't find anything to leave out. Again, the need is so great. I wish we could give more to this program and all the others that we've helped so far. The only way we can do that is if more of you donate. Here's how!

Please spread the word and post this link everywhere, including those things where you make a sign out of a piece of printer paper and then let people tear little pieces off the bottom. :) Facebook, Twitter, and blanketing everyone in the world with emails works, too! Thanks!

8 Temmuz 2012 Pazar

VOA's Family Relief Nursery is our next recipient

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The next donation for the Holiday Fare project is 15 books of tickets to VOA's Family Relief Nursery.

Here's how Katie from FRN describes the need:
The Family Relief Nursery is an intervention/prevention program for families with children six weeks to five years old. We work to strengthen fragile families at serious risk of abusing or neglecting their children or of permanently losing custody of their children. The Nursery offers a holistic, positive intervention with both children and parents. All services are provided at no charge to families. The FRN now serves up to 90 families per year.

One of the barriers our families face is transportation. We do have a small school bus that picks kids up and drops them off each day, but the bus can only accommodate so many children. Many times a family will remain on our waitlist until a bus and a classroom spot are both open. When possible, we do provide bus tickets to our families so they can utilize public transportation to bring their children to and from FRN. As well, bus tickets are especially helpful when we have Family Nights or Open Houses at FRN. For parents whose kids are picked up by the FRN bus (and do not have a car themselves) they often never get to see where their kids go each day. The Family Nights and Open Houses are a time when the parents can come by and see the site and meet their children’s teachers (we do home visiting as well with most of our families, so they are intimately involved with our interventionists otherwise). Bus tickets are also sometimes used to allow our families to go out to VOA’s resale store, so they can pick up clothing or other items for their children (we provide them with vouchers for the resale store).

In the past, we have been able to provide bus tickets to our families, as needed. Unfortunately this year, we with downturn in the economy, one of our funders had us cut our budget by 4.5% and another funder cut our budget by 12%. In order to maintain our level of services, and because the State requires us to have so much direct service personnel per child, one of the things we had to cut this year was direct client assistance funds, which includes items like bus tickets.

Sorry for the long quote, but I couldn't find anything to leave out. Again, the need is so great. I wish we could give more to this program and all the others that we've helped so far. The only way we can do that is if more of you donate. Here's how!

Please spread the word and post this link everywhere, including those things where you make a sign out of a piece of printer paper and then let people tear little pieces off the bottom. :) Facebook, Twitter, and blanketing everyone in the world with emails works, too! Thanks!

E-Commerce India - Buy Apparel and Accessories online

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action expresses priorityIn 90's, buying clothes and other accessories in tier-3 and tier-4cities was an unknown event. People always used to go to nearby city to makepurchases for all important occasions - festivals, functions, ceremonies orcollege-going. Making a fashion statement by wearing branded apparel oraccessories was only for a few, who have uncles and aunts abroad.
One of the findings in e-bay census was that half of purchasesonline are from tier-3 and tier-4 cities. While the folks in tier-1 and tier-2order online to save time and cost, the ones in tier-3 and tier-4 make onlinepurchases to avail the brands which are otherwise not available locally.Technology has certainly brought shops closer (or rather into the living room)to people across the country.
When it comes to apparel and other accessories, there are umpteenoptions available for online purchase. Be it for men, women or children of anyage, designer wear, exclusive or limited collection, there are appropriatee-shops. Here is my collection of such sites.
1 http://utsavfashion.in
2 http://fetise.com
3 http://hutk.com
4 http://eshakti.com
5 http://yebhi.com
6 http://exclusively.in
7 http://99labels.com
8 http://fashionandyou.com
9 http://freecultr.com
10 http://inkfruit.com
11 http://theprivatesales.com
12 http://shopyourworld.in
13 http://shoppersstop.com
14 http://fabindia.com
15 http://urbantouch.com
16 http://watchkart.com
17 http://bagskart.com

Leaving aside the standard box-items like 'Nivea Cream', I wonderhow people purchase items online in this segment. How do they know that thesize would not be an issue? How many times will they order and return to getthe right size (even if returns are free)? How many transactions are each ofthese companies making in a day / week / month (agree that they are open toentire country and not restricted to any region)? When would they turnprofitable?
Do you think the next generation will go to a physical retail shopat all - except for petrol and liquor?

Telecom Sector - 1 : Mobile Evolution in India

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a quote about IT and business by Bill GatesEvery three out of four people in India has a mobile - or so doesthe numbers say. There are around 900 million mobile phone subscribers inIndia, which has a population of about 1200 million people. The active mobilesubscribers are supposed to be somewhere around 600 million. Interestinglythere are only around 40 million landline phone subscribers. The growth forlandline connections has been negative for some quarters. (source TRAI)
Before 90's people had to apply for a landline phone connection andwait for months to get the connection approved. In late 90's, mobile revolutionhas changed this scenario completely. With the convenience of anywhere-anytime,people have taken to mobile phones like duck to water. Prices were slashed overa period of time - both the mobile handset and the outgoing call tariff.Roaming charges were reduced which made the businessmen adopt it even more.
The traditional use of a mobile phone is to make voice calls andsend short messages. I find the following to be general purpose calls on mobilephone. This is just a fraction of the possibilities, anyway and no offenseintended to anyone.
  1. Short-and-sweet call : Make a 'Honey, I am coming home…' call while leaving office
  2. Office Travel : 'Hello Murali, I would like to go to airport on 12th, Can you come at 6 AM on that day?'
  1. Friendship : 'Hi buddy, want to catch-up at coffee day tomorrow? I am bored'
  1. Cooking Advice: 'When should I add salt to this dish? Is it while boiling tamarind? Oh! No tamarind at all !'
  1. Buying Advice : 'I am buying Samsung Phablet. I am in a shop right now. He is quoting Rs. x. should I got for it?'
  2. Out-of-office : 'Sorry. I am on vacation right now. I would be joining back the office on next Monday. Can you please call me back then to sort out the problem?'
  1. Occasion : 'WoW ! That's good news. Congratulations !'
  1. Pocket Money : 'I need more money this month. We are going for a tour this semester'
  2. Drivers have a mobile : 'Driver, bring the car to the portico. I will be there in 2 minutes'
  3. Pesky Calls :'I don't need a credit card and I don't want to give any more charity. I have enough loans to clear !'

As someone said, Mr. Sunil Mittal of Bharti Airtel was smart enoughto figure out that people love to talk and one can make money by giving them apersonal microphone and speaker. And thus the telecom revolution has begun inIndia !
It has to be noted that there is no mobile revolution withoutevolution of information technology. The rapid evolution of simple mobilehandset to feature phone, smartphone, phablet, tablet, notebook, ultra-bookand so on is all because of evolution of chip technology. It is noteworthy tomention that more than 90% of mobile phones worldwide carry chips (processorhardware inside mobile handsets) based on ARM Holdingstechnology. Isn't it amazing ?

Telecom Sector - 2 : 10 different ways to pay the bill for 10% mobile subscribers

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quote on civilization by Mark TwainIndia's telecom sector is divided into 23 different circles foreffective operations and management - like licensing and restricting number ofoperators. With the introduction of mobile services in 1995, there was nolooking back on the growth of mobile subscribers - the latest count beingaround 900 million ! With the largest operator, Airtel, holding about 170+million mobile subscribers, how would they ensure that all the customers payfor their service in time?
It should be interesting to note that 90%+ of mobile subscribers usepre-paid services. This ensures a stead flow of cash (up-front) for theoperators for the services being offered. There are both online and offlinemechanisms to re-charge one's prepaid mobile number. In the offline mode, theauthorized agents can re-charge an amount for a specific mobile number. This ismade so simple through SMS-based update that mom-n-pop stores in street cornerscan become the operator agents. Simple but effective use of technology thataffects 600 million subscribers !
For the post-paid bill payment, there are umpteen options beingprovided by each operator.
  1. Online bill payment using credit / debit card and internet banking on operator sites
  2. Pay at the operator service centers
  3. Drop a cheque at drop-boxes provided at specific outlets
  4. Make payment through 3rd party online authorized agents like paytm
  5. Pay through Bank ATMs
  6. Pay using pre-paid cards like ITZ card
  7. Pay through Internet Banking
  8. Provide standing instructions for direct debit from your bank account
  9. Don't stand in the queue but pay at the self-service kiosks at operator centers
  10. Interactive voice response systems (IVR) offer another mechanism for bill payment

If you are not interested in any of the above, a 'collection agent'would be present at your door stop. To be fair to the operators, we must thinkthat they are asking for money 'after-providing-service' in case of post-paidconnections.
The heart of all these operations are the Customer RelationshipManagement (CRM) and Billing Systems from Information Technology (IT)perspective. Recording the call durations, locations, generating itemizedbilling based on circles and billing cycles, sending notices (SMS or e-mail) toall those millions of subscribers and tracking their payments through differentchannels is no mean task. The billions of rupees investment required forcapital infrastructure would not be possible without appropriate IT systems inplace.
We must acknowledge Sunil Mittal of Bharti Airtel for strategicallyoutsourcing the entire IT operations in the beginning itself. Even the telecominfrastructure is outsourced by them and they focus on core competency ofinnovation and marketing. He pioneered that model which is replicated in oneway or the other even in other sectors too.

E-Commerce India - There's an online portal for every kind of Job

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a quote on working hours by robert frostFrom agriculture dominant country, India has moved to servicesdomain in a couple of decades. One of the barometers of economic development isthe employment growth across all sectors. With 6-9% growth in GDP in the lasttwo decades, people were fortunate to find all sorts of jobs across country.With colleges in different regions, talent in pockets for certain areas, skillsin abundance in a few states and opportunities galore far and wide, how wouldpeople find suitable jobs even if they are aplenty?
Applying technology, job portals have come to the rescue. Due togrowth of Information Technology (IT) sector in the new millennium, people wereaware mainly of these IT job portals, but there exist a portal for everypossible type of job. Here are some of those portals which made finding jobseasy on the Internet.
http://naukri.comhttp://shine.comhttp://monster.comhttp://timesjobs.comhttp://clickjobs.com Provides an opportunity to post resume for jobs across different industries / sectors and designations. Most of them started with the IT job opportunities but expanded to all other domains. Each of them must be having millions of resumes in the repository. These portals also offer simple services like resume development, provide information about different professions and salary level validation.
http://babajob.com If you are looking for a maid, driver , cook or cashier, this is the specialized portal to visit.  There is a provision of police verification and health insurance check of job seekers, for the benefit of employers, through their service. Their mission seems to create a positive impact to the 'bottom of the pyramid'.
http://freshersworld.com Candidates fresh out of a college, especially from tier-2 and lower always find it difficult to seek a job.  Recruitment in the campus is not meant for all colleges and even that does not go smooth sometimes. This portal provides an exclusive service to show job opportunities for such freshers, who are ready to conquer the world.
http://govtjobsdaily.com Securing a government job  was the norm with previous generation in India, after gaining a good academic record. If one is interested in such government jobs, this portal seems to provide good help.
http://apnacircle.com If one is more interested to improve their professional network over a period of time and potentially seek a job from employers, this India-based website would be helpful.

I believe there would be lot many specialized job sites in India.The job seekers get to register on these sites for free; the job portals drawtheir revenues from the employers. It's a win-win situation for all theinvolved parties.
E-Commerce in India has blossomed with onlinetravel business to start with. After that, online classifieds, especially matrimonyand job portals, flourished pretty much. I wonder if all those folks who got ajob through any of these job portals take a moment to admire the technologybehind the scenes for their success and happiness !

7 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi

Food Commerce in India - Whose meal is it anyway?

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eighty to eighteen by mark twainOn the next day that I wrote about Food,eating patterns and technology, I got a pamphlet along with the newspaperabout ItsMyMeal. According to them, there aretwo types of people in India - people who eat oily food in the restaurants (ororder online for home delivery) and those who eat at home, come what may. Theyare targeting the subset of the latter, who are unfortunately either not athome or lazy enough not to cook for themselves.
The concept is quite good - healthy food prepared in their kitchentaking into consideration balanced diet, nutrition and hygiene. One canregister on their website at http://itsmymeal.inand after validation of the details, can start ordering food. The food isdelivered at your doorstep in good containers, which are taken back after youare done with the meal. Menu and the prices are fixed and mentioned on thewebsite. Beware, you need to order a minimum of 4 meals and any changes for thenext day has to be mentioned in the site before 5 PM today (I pray not to fallsick suddenly, when I order food on this site!). The terms you would be hearingwhen someone talks about this company are - happy, tummy, meal, food-commerce,nutrition and hygiene.
The FAQ on their site gives a lot of details about the minimumnumber of meals to be ordered, service coverage areas, packaging details andrefund of security deposit in case of cancellation. One phrase you cannot failto notice in every answer is 'Please call customer care'. But interestingly onecannot place an order just by calling their customer care center (unless it's abulk order for that go) !
The concept seems to be mainly targeted towards the corporateemployees. I guess it is mainly the small and medium enterprises, whereemployees can order in bulk for multiple days in a month at one stretch. Wouldit work out as an economical option for the employees? Keeping aside my viewson whether the model would succeed or not in the Indian context, I admire theapplication of technology for giving good food and convenience to those whoseek them. According to the site, I can even analyze what kind of food I amhaving, based on the food ordered through their site.
If it is my meal, would I not be interested in having home-cookedfood? Alternately, I can order from ItsMyMeal for similar quality food - sothey say and term it as 'food commerce' !

E-Commerce India - Bus ticket booking is easy but not the road travel

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travel quote by JamesThere are endless reasons for people to travel all the time. I guessone of the reasons that there existed many joint families earlier is thedaunting task of travel once in a while. Making travel arrangements for two-wayjourney and accommodation would take more than one person or family. Thingscannot be planned much earlier and advanced booking was a novel concept.  With kids, baggage and the fear of losingeither of them, getting seats for travel must have been  troublesome.
One has the luxury of realizing travel plans as much in advance aspossible these days. The Road Transport Corporation (RTC) in India has certainlyincreased and also improved the quality of buses traveling across the country.As there is more demand than the supply, private bus companies have mushroomed.There is always a rush to book tickets for a long week-end and during festivalseason. Redbus has seized the opportunity andbuilt a travel site to book bus tickets. Makemytrip has started flight ticket bookings way back in 1999.Travelling by flight must have been a privilege of 1%, while travelling by busis known to 99% of people in India. From that perspective, it looks ridiculousas to why no one thought about bus ticket booking online earlier !
Pure vertical (bus tickets in this case) e-commerce players alwaysspecialize in their domain and offer good service. If one looks at http://redbus.in, they can see umpteen trivialfeatures which add up to convenience of the end user.
  1. Show the pictures and videos of a bus class in which you can book tickets
  1. Indicate whether movies are shown, water bottle & blanket are given and charging points available
  1. Number of seats available with specific mention about window seats
  2. AC or Non-AC bus indicator
  3. Ratings given by the members on bus quality, punctuality and staff behavior
  1. Capability to book the tickets from mobile and also travel with an SMS ticket on mobile (paperless)
  1. Can book through Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system over phone

What more does one need to conveniently book a bus ticket? Theirsite talks about booking 8 million tickets till date. That is a good number fora company of about 6 years old (for a perspective, both facebook and indianmobile subscribers have about 900 million subscribers).
One also needs to know that redbus can book tickets only withprivate bus operators. State RTCs have their own sites for bus ticket booking.Even some of the private bus operators have their own sites for bus booking.Managing the inventory of seats in a bus is not an easy task. It must beinteresting to note that there are other bus ticket travel sites like http://travelyaari.com, http://makemytrip.com and even http://via.com which have not become so popular fordifferent reasons.
While the travel planning through buses has really become easier,how about the roads on which these buses are supposed to travel? They aregetting better but the pace does not match the growth of travel planning sites!

E-Commerce India - Flowers for any occasions from anywhere across globe

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flowers by henry beecherWhen I was a kid, flowers (roses) were typically given to a teacherduring teacher's day. Gifting flowers during any other events or occasions was unknown in those days. Perhapswe got influenced by the west, the trend of gifting flowers has becomecommonplace in India. Flowers are generally gifted as a token of love,appreciation, admiration, warmth or best wishes.
In the pre-internet era, there were physical flower shops, primarilyin cities, which can quickly create a bouquet and handover to the customers atthe shop. With telecomrevolution, floral merchants have started taking the orders over the phone.With advancements in Internet, the floral business has come online.
Roses, Tulips, Carnations and Lilies are ordered online fromdifferent corners of India to be sent to their near and dear ones. There is nodearth of occasions in India in terms of festivals - Diwali, Dasara andChristmas form the prominent seasons for flowers according to my friends inthis business. Corporates would always have flowers ordered during visits ofguests and that is not very rare. People have adopted to sending flowers duringthe moments of joy and sorrow.
Are the flowers best left on the plants as a part of the nature orthey should be nipped and made into bouquets in the living rooms, halls orcorporate enclosures? That's a subjective question better left to anindividual.
There are supposed to be about 30 million non-resident Indiansacross the globe. With most of them having roots in India, sending flowers tonear and dear ones in India during important occasions must be emotionallysatisfying for them. I have no doubts that these desiswould be admiring technology for this invaluable service.
Just like any other e-commerce business, the request is initiatedonline, but the order fulfillment needs extensive network across the countryfor delivery. Most of the online floral businesses seems to deliver flowersacross 1000+ locations across India. Some of these websites are mentionedbelow:
1 http://fnp.com
2 http://flowerdeliveryindia.com
3 http://orchidsnroses.com
4 http://indiaonlineflorists.com
5 http://flowersindiaonline.com
6 http://indiaflowerplaza.com
7 http://indiafloristonline.com
8 http://floraindia.com

Flowers are also used for Puja, decoration during events likewedding and for wearing in the hair by women. For Puja, people invariablyprefer flowers from their garden. For decoration during the events, the flowersare still obtained from local markets. Interesting, the flowers like jasmineadorned in hair in some parts of India are not sold online yet. Any takers forthis niche domain? :-)

E-Commerce India - There's an online portal for every kind of Job

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a quote on working hours by robert frostFrom agriculture dominant country, India has moved to servicesdomain in a couple of decades. One of the barometers of economic development isthe employment growth across all sectors. With 6-9% growth in GDP in the lasttwo decades, people were fortunate to find all sorts of jobs across country.With colleges in different regions, talent in pockets for certain areas, skillsin abundance in a few states and opportunities galore far and wide, how wouldpeople find suitable jobs even if they are aplenty?
Applying technology, job portals have come to the rescue. Due togrowth of Information Technology (IT) sector in the new millennium, people wereaware mainly of these IT job portals, but there exist a portal for everypossible type of job. Here are some of those portals which made finding jobseasy on the Internet.
http://naukri.comhttp://shine.comhttp://monster.comhttp://timesjobs.comhttp://clickjobs.com Provides an opportunity to post resume for jobs across different industries / sectors and designations. Most of them started with the IT job opportunities but expanded to all other domains. Each of them must be having millions of resumes in the repository. These portals also offer simple services like resume development, provide information about different professions and salary level validation.
http://babajob.com If you are looking for a maid, driver , cook or cashier, this is the specialized portal to visit.  There is a provision of police verification and health insurance check of job seekers, for the benefit of employers, through their service. Their mission seems to create a positive impact to the 'bottom of the pyramid'.
http://freshersworld.com Candidates fresh out of a college, especially from tier-2 and lower always find it difficult to seek a job.  Recruitment in the campus is not meant for all colleges and even that does not go smooth sometimes. This portal provides an exclusive service to show job opportunities for such freshers, who are ready to conquer the world.
http://govtjobsdaily.com Securing a government job  was the norm with previous generation in India, after gaining a good academic record. If one is interested in such government jobs, this portal seems to provide good help.
http://apnacircle.com If one is more interested to improve their professional network over a period of time and potentially seek a job from employers, this India-based website would be helpful.

I believe there would be lot many specialized job sites in India.The job seekers get to register on these sites for free; the job portals drawtheir revenues from the employers. It's a win-win situation for all theinvolved parties.
E-Commerce in India has blossomed with onlinetravel business to start with. After that, online classifieds, especially matrimonyand job portals, flourished pretty much. I wonder if all those folks who got ajob through any of these job portals take a moment to admire the technologybehind the scenes for their success and happiness !

E-Commerce India - Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

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Customer is the King or Queen.That is even more so in this Internet Age where customer experience can getshared easily using social media. The establishment of relationship with thecustomer starts the moment he includes a few items in his shopping cart of thee-commerce store.
Once the customer selects items and make payment, the order issupposed to have been captured. The order details along with items purchased,quantity, delivery address and any special instructions like gift wrapping orpre-defined time of delivery are to be provided to the fulfillment team. Basedon the type of payment - cash on delivery or pre-paid - the process differs fordelivery of items purchased.
The moment order is placed, the customer would be keen to receivethem as per the delivery dates promised by the vendor. There must be a provision for the customer to track his orders on thee-commerce site where he purchased the items. Sites like Flipkart, owingto their own delivery services, provides that mechanism on their site itself.In cases like Indiatimes Shopping, the delivery status can be verified by usingthe tracking number associated with the 3rd party courier service (likeBluedart or Dhelivery) mentioned in the Order. For a customer, it does notmatter how the delivery happens as long as it happens in time. For e-commercecompanies, the operations to support delivery forms the backbone.
Whether the customer experiencehas been good or bad, it must be captured in asystem for critical analysis later. The issuescould be about payments, shipping or the item itself. Any immediateproblems must be addressed with a sense of urgency. Customers in India (notsure about global space) are sensitive about payment issues, even if the amountinvolved is small. So issues like double charge for the same Order, refund ofmoney in case of credit-card payments for Order cancellations or issues relatedto discount must be addressed immediately. Otherwise, the risk of losing that customer and hence his entire network ofonline buying family and friends looms large at the e-commerce vendor. My badexperience in shopping with Indiatimes was effectively addressed by thecompany.
Once the customer is happy with his overall experience on ane-commerce store, he is going to come back again. The entire e-commerce business hinges on acquiring large numbers of suchcustomers, who provide repeat business. Hence, it is very important tokeep track of such customers and provide benefits to them for theirloyalty.  I have not seen any e-commercestore in India offering any substantial loyalty services. Or maybe I have notcome across one so far.
But, information about new products, special discounts, pre-launchoffers and clearance sales needs to be dispatched to all the customers onregular basis to keep the touch-point with themalive.
Needless to say, e-commerce companies must rely on informationtechnology for all the above CRM needs. Customer,order, shipping, payment and feedback information gets stored in appropriatedatabase. Huge amounts of this data can be moved to data warehouses andanalyzed for business insights.
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5 Temmuz 2012 Perşembe

You're glowing tonight! Quiz night moving to Tuesday starting in July....

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All of Grafton's finest were in the house at the Ale House on Thursday night, as a dozen team duked it out for trivial glory and free beer. The league also hit week three, with the table starting to take shape!

Ultimately, it was the stalwarts from Bananas Radioactive? Oh that explains my girlfriend's glowing lips who smashed the night's game, as sit way out in the lead in the league standings...

Yep, according to one our night's questions, Bananas (due to their high potassium content) are slightly radioactive. Giggity Goo.

Second place was one for the ages, as four teams tied on 44 points from a possible 51. The sudden death questions would determine the runners-up and asked how many regular season records Wayne Gretzky held upon his retirement in 1999?

A tricky one indeed, but The Fuster Clux answer of 51, which seemed ridiculous to some, was the closest to the actual answer of 40. Thus they had the last laugh and collected 20 clams...

Looking haaawt! ;)

Regular drunks (and trivia players, we guess) from When they declared the largest structure in the world, they forgot to measure the banana in my pants also entered into the sudden death contest, and although they tasted defeat there, they did walk away with the coveted "people's prize" for best team name!

Holla! Another banana joke.

Yes, banana is a metaphor for penis.

The show rolls on next Thursday at 7 p.m. with our last Thursday night quiz being Thursday July 5th. Quiz will then move back to Tuesdays at 7 p.m. starting July 10th. We hope to see Grafton's finest come out for the fun still!

Until next time Grafton, drink while you think...

Thursday May 24th, 2012 scores:

  1. 46 Bananas Radioactive? Oh that explains my girlfriend's glowing lips (I host trivia...)
  2. 44 The Fuster Clux
  3. 44 When they declared the largest structure in the world, they forgot to measure the banana in my pants
  4. 44 Random Answers: Didn't West Ham finish 3rd in the J League
  5. 44 The Answer to #16 - bitch face should count (Marty McFly)
  6. 43 How deep is you love, ask you mother
  7. 41 King George 8-miles the Schlitz outta Nene Leakes
  8. 41 Naked Night
  9. 38 68 and I owe you one
  10. 38 What do you call a dog with wings? Linda McCartney
  11. 36 My name is Ryan and I'm English and we lost the War of 1812
  12. 23 Harris Honeys

The final win... that's my boy!

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It was pretty much a packed house upstairs at the Ale House this Thursday night. And as well as the usual moolah for first, second and best team name, we were also giving away swag (hats and t-shirts) from the highly-anticipated Adam Sandler movie That's My Boy...

But best name and $10 on the night went to regulars Stay away from Laura's Bush without a Trojan horse...

And second spot, while a close affair, went to the five-some of  #YOLO @ Laura's Bush...

$20 bar tab for them.

And the "That's My Boy" swag was a first come, first serve affair. If you want it come grab it, and one lass from Quattro Cervasa got her hands on some...

Yep, more free stuff....

She loves free stuff!!

And the lads from Trick Question - Jay-Z's boat was going to Ryan's Mom's house got some too...

Yep, those sweet hats feature a bottle opener on the visor!! BOOM ToWn.

And finally it was written in the stars as Quizmaster stalwarts Cloberalla beats you up, who does she beat up? You announced they are "moving away" and it was their last edition of quizzin' in the night...

Yep, in true fairytale fashion they recorded victory at the final hurdle! We wish them all the best in future, and something tells us they'll be back some time soon!

Until next time Grafton, drink while you think...

Thursday June 7th, 2012 scores:

  1. 43 Cloberalla beats you up, who does she beat up? You
  2. 42 #YOLO @ Laura's Bush
  3. 41 I host trivia to get money to fill my viagra prescription
  5. 40 The Rural Jurors
  6. 39 Well hung jury
  7. 38 Trick Question - Jay-Z's boat was going to Ryan's Mom's house
  8. 37 Erin Marks is teacher of the year!
  9. 37 Use Trojan.... no woman, no cry
  10. 36 Stay away from Laura's Bush without a Trojan horse
  11. 36 Hi I'm Ryan and I pity the fool that moves the quiz to Tuesdays
  12. 35 Euro right, we love futbol
  13. 34 You've been Rick Rolled Bitches
  14. 31 Quattro Cervasa
  15. 24 R Kelly: If I don't win I'll piss on you

Article of the Week - Stonewall Riots

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The Stonewall riots were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City.

The demonstrations are frequently cited as the first instance in American history when people in the homosexual community fought back against a government-sponsored system that persecuted sexual minorities, and they have become the defining event that marked the start of the gay rights movement in the United States and around the world.

American gays and lesbians in the 1950s and 1960s faced a legal system more anti-homosexual than those of some Warsaw Pact countries. Early homophile groups in the U.S. sought to prove that gay people could be assimilated into society, and they favored non-confrontational education for homosexuals and heterosexuals alike. The last years of the 1960s, however, were very contentious, as many social movements were active, including the African American Civil Rights Movement, the Counterculture of the 1960s, and antiwar demonstrations. These influences, along with the liberal environment of Greenwich Village, served as catalysts for the Stonewall riots.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Stonewall Riots"

League finale! Final Thursday quiz this week!

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It was the epic conclusion to the Grafton Ale House's 24th trivia league this past Thursday night. All the Ozaukee county quiz legends were in the house, although essentially it was a two-horse race for the championship and the imaginary trophy.

Amazing, having been six points back going into proceedings it was the quiz juggernaut that is The Fusterclux (formerly Squad 666) that took glory after a whopping 55 from 60 score on the night...

Champs again! Sweet hat - that's what all Londoners wear!

We wanna give a shout out to the This Just In crew, who led the league going into the night, but were outdone at the final hurdle. They still took a solid second spot in the table!

Best team name went to the lads from I'm pretty sure your mom told me I'm bigger than Jesus, who finished mid-table but more-than delighted with their "people's prize"....

A whole $10 for them!

The show rolls on this Thursday July 5th at 7 p.m., with quiz night moving to Tuesday as of next week (first Tuesday quiz will be July 10th!)

Hopefully the day change won't affect the space time continuum too much!

Until next time Grafton, drink while you think...

Thursday June 28th, 2012 scores:

  1. 55 The Fusterclux
  2. 45 I laughed so hard I quizzed my pants, just a little
  3. 44 This Just in: Thursday trivia will be back by FALL!
  4. 43 Taylor is tired from being poked all day... ya know, plasma donations
  5. 39 Who'd win Jeopardy - Sarah Palin or the Dodo?
  6. 35 I'm pretty sure your mom told me I'm bigger than Jesus
  7. 35 Something inappropriate about the pink panterhs (Marty McFly)
  8. 32 I'm in favor of gay sex too... meow
  9. 29 Remember to get your pet spayed or neutered
  10. 22 Anthony Davis' Uni-brow

Article of the Week - Steve Fossett

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James Stephen "Steve" Fossett (April 22, 1944 – c. September 3, 2007) was an American businessman, and a record-setting aviator, sailor, and adventurer. He was the first person to fly solo nonstop around the world in a balloon. He made his fortune in the financial services industry, and was best known for many world records, including five nonstop circumnavigations of the Earth: as a long-distance solo balloonist, as a sailor, and as a solo flight fixed-wing aircraft pilot.

A fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and the Explorers Club, Fossett set 116 records in five different sports, 60 of which still stood when he disappeared.

On September 3, 2007, Fossett was reported missing after the plane he was flying over the Nevada desert failed to return. Despite a month of searches by the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and others, Fossett could not be found, and the search by CAP was called off on October 2, 2007. Privately funded and privately directed search efforts continued, but after a request from Fossett's wife, he was declared legally dead on February 15, 2008.

On September 29, 2008, a hiker found Fossett's identification cards in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, and the crash site was discovered a few days later (on 1 October 2008) 65 miles (100 km) due south from Flying-M Ranch where he took off, and 5.3 miles (8.5 km) due west (282 degrees) of Mammoth Mountain Ski Area's base operations, although his remains were not initially found. On November 3, 2008, tests conducted on two bones recovered about 750 feet (230 m) from the site of the crash produced a match to Fossett's DNA.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Steve Fossett"