13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Versatile Blogger Award, THANK-YOU Note and Nominations

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I appreciate the gesture by Ravi Akula to bestow uponme the 'Versatile Blogger Award'. I would like to extend my sincere THANK YOUto Ravi for his kind gesture. As an extension to that I would like to say thatI find the blogosphere world very friendly, collaborative and filled withconstructive criticism. Being interested in 'applying technology', I cannot butthink why this model cannot be replicated in Academia-Industry connection :-)
As a part of the award nomination, I am supposed to follow certainrules:
1)Create a new post2)Thanks the lovely person who nominated you for the award3)Pass it on to your fellow bloggers4)State 7 random facts about you5)Claim and post the award pic
I would like to nominate the following bloggers (not in any order)for 'Versaite Blogger Award'. As a token of appreciation (for Ravi Akula's blog also), Iwould also like to state that these blogs have humored, awed, entertained,amazed, enlightened, thought-provoked, inspired, enhanced-knowledge and made mea better person. Look forward to more interesting reads in the future too !
  1. Valady Hariharan
  1. C Suresh
  2. Nandita B
  3. Cute Parents
  1. Samritha Pillai
  1. Joshi Daniel
  1. Rajkumar
  2. Sangeeta Reghu
  3. Ashok
  4. Sumitra
  5. Nona's Pensive
  6. Abhishek Mandloi
  7. Nabanita Dhar
  8. Ranjith
  9. Anupam Patra
  10. Amit Agarwal

Thanks to all of you and Congratulations ! 7 Random facts about me
  1. I am an avid book reader; Flipkart and JustBooks are adding fuel to the fire. I am a collaborative guy and love sharing my knowledge and experience (especially bad ones so that people learn) with others.
  2. Got my Masters from IIT Delhi in 90's. Currently, living in Bangalore. Would like to meet fellow Bangalore-bloggers (and others too) when possible.
  3. Pretty interested in personal financial planning and financial markets. Currently, I am into teaching appropriate courses in this domain while pursuing Entrepreneurial dreams in Information Technology (IT) product space. Plan to launch my products in the second half of this year.
  4. Am a seasoned IT Architect with passion to provide technical solutions to business problems.
  5. Travelled to USA, Europe and a few countries in Asia but never drove in any of those countries (I have a driving license in India for the last 20 years). I dream about making a family trip to some of those countries and drive around this time !
  6. I love animation movies and ICE AGE is my favorite. I enjoying watching this movie with any kids who visit our home.
  7. While my family enjoys TV programs, I enjoy watching advertisements during the breaks. I believe creating anything from the scratch is incredibly challenging !

I would like to thank Ravi Akula once again foran opportunity to state all the above thoughts and facts. Now that the bar isset for versatility, should I sustain the same or be 'more versatile'? :-)

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